Voluntary organization is one that relies on occasional or regular volunteers for its operations, and may or may not have paid staff. A volunteer organization is characterized by (1) autonomy from the State, (2) self-governance through a board of unpaid trustees, (3) membership that is neither inherited nor prescribed, (4) aid from philanthropy, (5) benefit for or service to non-members, and (6) not-for-profit orientation (Business dictionary.)
Recently in Qatar, one of the biggest volunteer event occurred, it is The Doha Tribeca Film Festival. The Festival aims to bring people from all walks of life, cultures and backgrounds together through the universal language of film, evolving and transforming each year, but the essence of it is to exchange culture, stories, and perspectives (DTFF.)
The five-day celebration (October 25-29) had more than 50 films from 35 countries screened before an expected audience intake of more than 50,000 people, showcasing a culturally diverse cross section of comedies, family-oriented films, epics, political biopics, thrillers and documentaries (DTFF.)

The Doha Tribeca Film Festival could not happen without the dedication and hard work of the volunteers. Volunteering is often the first step for people interested in pursuing or advancing a career in the film industry. These positions are unpaid but provided priceless experience to the volunteers. The Doha Tribeca Film Festival had 1,100 volunteers, which shows how important this event is. Every festival department’s volunteer needs vary in numbers and there is a place for every skill level and experience. The volunteers ranged from students to mid career professionals that are available to help. The were many departments, that volunteered worked in such as Box Office, Broadcast, Communications, Content & New Media, Education, Family Day, Festival Operations, Guest Relations, Guest Services, Hospitality, Industry Events, Marketing, Merchandising, Production, Special Projects, and Venues(DTFF.)
wen is the 2013 dtff??? i would like to volunteer